Captains – Fall 2024

Nora Mehler

Nora Mehler


  • Year: Fourth Year
  • Major: Mathematics
  • Hometown: Long Hill, NJ
  • Favorite Race: 5K (NOT on the track!)
  • Fun Fact: I used to have two pet frogs!
Jonah Jaffe

Jonah Jaffe

Vice President

  • Year: Fourth Year
  • Major: Computer Science / Math
  • Hometown: Cambridge, MA
  • Favorite Race: Half Marathon
  • Fun Fact: I build underwater robots!
Nia Quinn

Nia Quinn


  • Year: Third Year
  • Major: Computer Science / Math
  • Hometown: Pasadena, MD
  • Favorite Race: 10k and Half Marathon
  • Fun Fact: I have two fake teeth!
Michael Nunes

Michael Nunes


  • Year: Fourth Year
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering
  • Hometown: Rockland County, NY
  • Favorite Race: 8K
  • Fun Fact: I eat muffins from bottom to top and am proud of it!
Max Manganiello

Max Manganiello

Distance Captain

  • Year: Fourth Year
  • Major: Mechanical Eng. / Design
  • Hometown: Doylestown, PA
  • Favorite Race: XC 8K
  • Fun Fact: I graduated from the same high school my grandfather was expelled from (he punched a priest)!
Alex Lincoln

Alex Lincoln

Sprint Captain

  • Year: Fourth Year
  • Major: Human Services / Psychology
  • Hometown: Willowbrook, IL
  • Favorite Race: 4x400m relay
  • Fun Fact: I have a three year Duolingo streak!
Geneva Fischer

Geneva Fischer

Sports Info. Director

  • Year: Fourth Year
  • Major: Biochemistry
  • Hometown: Cambridge, MA
  • Favorite Race: 100m and 800m
  • Fun Fact: I naturally write backwards!

Captains in Training (CITs) – Fall 2024

Annie Shea

Annie Shea

Captain-in-Training (Position TBD!)

  • Year: Fourth Year
  • Major: Chemical and Environmental Engineering
  • Hometown: Wilmington, DE
  • Favorite Race: Half Marathon
  • Fun Fact: I hugged Joe Biden at a XC meet in 7th grade!
Ryan Strawbridge

Ryan Strawbridge

Captain-in-Training (Position TBD!)

  • Year: Third Year
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering
  • Hometown: Taunton, MA
  • Favorite Race: Half Marathon and Stud Muffin
  • Fun Fact: I am a certified Sandwich Artist!

Captains Archive

Most recent captains (Fall 2022) in bold
Brandon Onyejekwe2022-2023Sprint Captain, SID
Caroline Meehan 2022-2023Treasurer, Vice President
Nick Ferretti2023Distance Captain
Tori Young2023Secretary
Daniel Kelkay2023Sprint Captain
Kathryn McCarthy2022-2023Distance Captain, President
Tony Cusato2020-2022SID, Treasurer
Alex Knueppel2022Secretary
Rose McDonnell2020-2022Secretary, Vice President
Vinny Castronuovo2020-2022Distance Captain, President
Maddi Doherty2020-2021SID
Jada Meadows2020-2021Sprint Captain
Thomas Hinds2020-2021Vice President
Brendan Hehir2019-2021SID, President
Wes Baranowski2019Sprint Captain
Erin Dillman2017-2019SID, Treasurer, President
Gabby Rao2018-2019Secretary
Luke Janik2018-2019Vice President
Andres Pinedo2018-2019Treasurer, President
Jeff Kan2016-2018Sprint Captain
Chelsea Wojeski2017-2018SID, Vice President
Kyle Lorden2017Secretary
Rick Anderson2017Treasurer
Abby Paglia2016-2017Secretary, Vice President, President
Alicia Dias2017SID
Marie Mitchell2014-2016Sprinter Coach
Logan Wilson2016Treasurer, Secretary
Georgia Houghton2015-2016SID, Secretary, Vice President
Cindy France2014-2016SID, President
Ryan Derosier2015Treasurer
James MacArthur2014-2015Treasurer, Vice President
Pat Scullion2014-2015Treasurer, President
Peter Clarke2014Secretary, Vice President
Lindsay Weigel2012-2014Secretary, Vice President
Jobin Abraham2012-2014Sprinter Coach
Kevin Schubert2012-2014Mid-Distance Captain, SID
Matt Esposito2012-2014Secretary, President
Ross MacAndrew2012-2013Treasurer, President
Josh Johnson2011-2013Distance Captain, Treasurer, President
Dan Michaud2012Distance Captain
Sean Marden2012Distance Captain
Richard DiBenedetto2011-2012Captain, President
Elizabeth Yakabowski2009-2012Captain, Co-Founder
Navin Nathan2009-2012Captain, Co-Founder
Brian Boudreau2009-2012Captain, Co-Founder
Jason Portner2009-2012Captain, Co-Founder